About Me

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Francesca Lee is a San Francisco based singer-songwriter specializing in Introspective Dream Pop. Think Fiona Apple meets Jeff Buckley. Merging elements of Folk, Jazz Pop, Electronica and Indie Rock, she is currently recording her debut album ' The Pieces Left'. It is set for release April of 2009. Her single 'Paper Hearts' is available on iTunes. For more information please visit my official artist web-site at http://www.francescaleemusic.com.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

So It Begins

It's been a while since my last post. I figured this would be a good time to update everyone on how the album is coming along and any additional news.

So we've set a timeline now for the album! The album will be finished no later then the last day of March 2009. Unfortunately I've decided not to name the album Paper Hearts. It's a bummer because I really do love that album title. I found out that there was an artist out there that had a similiar title to the one that I was planning on calling my album. I'm bouncing around the idea of calling it "The Pieces Left." It still works with my whole theme of Paper Hearts so I think it just may work.

We have all the electric guitars finished. My guitarist and partner Jeff Johnson finished those last week. I have all the main vocals done, just a few harmonies and additional things I'd like to put on the songs which reminds me that it may not be a bad idea to work on those sometime today. However we're in mixing mode now which is good.

In March will finish up on all the mastering and design for the album.

I have Julie Schuchard who is doing the photography and design for the album.
She also runs an indie label here in San Francisco called Tricycle Records.
I'm really glad to have her on board. One of the things that is really fun about recording your own album is all the great people you meet along the way.

So the count down begins. I have a ton of planning to do and am trying to get my head around how all this stuff will fall in to place. So that's where I'm at now for the moment.

I had a great (Yule) Christmas. Stayed home with Jeff and enjoyed some good food.
Yesterday I did a little after (Yule) Christmas shopping. I bought myself these really cute butterfly hairpins, shimmery arm warmers, and a beautiful red lipstick at the Mac Boutique here in San Francisco. Yes, I'm a girly girl!