About Me

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Francesca Lee is a San Francisco based singer-songwriter specializing in Introspective Dream Pop. Think Fiona Apple meets Jeff Buckley. Merging elements of Folk, Jazz Pop, Electronica and Indie Rock, she is currently recording her debut album ' The Pieces Left'. It is set for release April of 2009. Her single 'Paper Hearts' is available on iTunes. For more information please visit my official artist web-site at http://www.francescaleemusic.com.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


My guitarist and husband Jeff always loves it when I make Thyme Fritata's for lunch or dinner. I've heard that people in Spain eat it as a light dinner sometimes. What's great is that it's cheap, taste's great, and looks like something you'd get at a trendy bistro. What's even better is that the herb Thyme is great for soothing a cough and soar throat when you're sick. As a vocalist I'm always looking for ways to soothe my voice and I found that Thyme is pretty awesome. I'm happy to say that I have gotten over that nasty cold I had for the past three days. Below are three cool recipes using Thyme. Two are for the voice and one is for all those musicians on a budget.

2 cups of boiling water
3 tabelspoons dried thyme
1 cup of honey
Directions - Bring the water to a boil, remove from heat, add thyme and cover. Steep until cool. Strain the the thyme from the water, stir in the honey. Keep it in a glas jar refigerated.
(It lasts for several months)

Boil hot water then steep a couple of tablespoons of dried tyme in a tea ball. Add honey to sweeten it if desired.

FRANNY'S THYME FRITATA (A glorified omelette)
1 onion
Generous amount of dried or fresh thyme
Sea Salt
6 eggs
2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

1.Chop the onion up and saute in a frying pan. Add salt to taste and thyme.
2.While onion is cooking beat six eggs in a bowl and set aside.
(Cook onion until it is soft but not browned or carmelized)
3.Pour the beaten eggs over the onions.
4.As the eggs are cooking on a low/medium heat lift the edges with a fork and let the raw egg ooze over the sides until it is firm underneath.
5.When the egg is cooked to where you want it place a plate the size of the pan on top of the fritata.
6.Flip the fritata upside down onto the plate.
7.Slide the fritata back onto the pan. (This will cook it on the other side.)

(When the fritata is done slide it back onto the plate, cut it like you would a quiche and you're ready to eat)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 19th 2008 - Finishing up on Paper Hearts

This is my first blog entry for August 19th. Yesterday I finished up on a single from my upcoming album. I recorded with my producer Michael Winger at his studio here in San Francisco. I finished up on all the additional vocals on the track. The file itself was very huge, the size of a whole album. We spent a lot of time condensing it, saving, and editing. This is what you have to do with those epic pop songs. I'm really excited about this one. Talk of releasing it as a single before the album is released is in negotiation. I personally think it would be a great idea. I've been working on my album for about two years now and I think it's time to share some my hard earned work. However the album is very close to being finished. It is a solid album from beginning to end and my growth and artistry really shines in this one. It was well worth the wait. I believe we have created something quite more than a typical indie release. It is difficult in this day an age as a musician. Things are changing so quickly, but I also believe we are going back to our roots. We are doing things in a more DIY, grassroots type of way and the truth is people like Joni Mitchell and Dylan were doing this long before we were. There's a lot of freedom in what you can do as an artist in this day an age but things can be a bit tricky as well. On another note, I've been sick for the past few days. All the typical symptoms. Soar throat, coughing, stuffed up nose, hazy, blah. I hate being sick. I'll try to take it easy. I'm performing next week and hope that my voice will be in better shape by then.