This is my first blog entry for August 19th. Yesterday I finished up on a single from my upcoming album. I recorded with my producer Michael Winger at his studio here in San Francisco. I finished up on all the additional vocals on the track. The file itself was very huge, the size of a whole album. We spent a lot of time condensing it, saving, and editing. This is what you have to do with those epic pop songs. I'm really excited about this one. Talk of releasing it as a single before the album is released is in negotiation. I personally think it would be a great idea. I've been working on my album for about two years now and I think it's time to share some my hard earned work. However the album is very close to being finished. It is a solid album from beginning to end and my growth and artistry really shines in this one. It was well worth the wait. I believe we have created something quite more than a typical indie release. It is difficult in this day an age as a musician. Things are changing so quickly, but I also believe we are going back to our roots. We are doing things in a more DIY, grassroots type of way and the truth is people like Joni Mitchell and Dylan were doing this long before we were. There's a lot of freedom in what you can do as an artist in this day an age but things can be a bit tricky as well. On another note, I've been sick for the past few days. All the typical symptoms. Soar throat, coughing, stuffed up nose, hazy, blah. I hate being sick. I'll try to take it easy. I'm performing next week and hope that my voice will be in better shape by then.
Where the Left Went Wrong on Homelessness
2 hours ago
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